Ferre Sposa Proves Bridal Shopping Doesn’t Have to Hurt

By Tiffany Mealia on February 26, 2013
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Bridal stores in Toronto get a bad rep and I can understand why.
A few years ago a friend of mine went to buy a dress on the Danforth. She wanted something very simple so she ended up purchasing a bridesmaid dress and asking for it in white. The staff at this particular store made it so difficult for her to order this dress that she started crying. Her fiancé had to physically remove her from the situation and take care of the transaction. Awful right?
Or how about the story featured in the Toronto Star yesterday which showcased a store on Spadina that took brides money for dresses, then closed up shop and left them empty handed?
Understandably, Bridal stores get a pretty bad rep.
So it was no coincidence that I was trying to avoid shopping for my Wedding Dresses With Sleeves at a Bridal store in Toronto at all costs. In fact, hearing all of the horror stories, I so desperately wanted to avoid dress shopping that I was convinced I was going to execute the whole process online.
However, friends who had been married before me suggested I get out and try a few things on because the fabric and fit are not what they appear to be. What you think you will buy and what you actually buy when you see it on, are worlds apart.
Not wanting to be a total bore about this whole thing, and wanting to take part in that which is being a “bride” I scheduled a few appointments in Yorkville (if I was gong to buy online, why not make a day of fancy-pants shopping!) and headed out. I met my mom, aunt, mother in law and best friend at Hemmingway’s; we had some brunch and on we went! Fun right?
By the end of the day I was exhausted. I was hot. I was thirsty. I was frazzled. We had been going at it for hours and I had gotten nowhere.
By the time we rolled into Ferre Sposa my last stop of the day-I was done. But unlike other bridal stores, these women didn’t pressure me, they didn’t tell me it was going to be the best day of my life, they didn’t tell me I was late to order and my dress wouldn’t come in on time. No. In fact, they asked me if I had any idea what I wanted, they pulled a few things they thought would look good on me and then they helped. If I mentioned I didn’t like something they said we could fix, tweak, hem, adjust or remove. All of a sudden I wasn’t a slave to the dress on the rack. If I didn’t like something-it could be fixed! I soon found out my consultant had been in the Bridal business for 30+ years. This woman knew what she was doing; she knew how to handle relatives with the bride and…an obviously frazzled bride.
Being as I was too exhausted by the end of the day to make a decision, I did what any normal 30-year-old bride would do. I went home, had some wine watched Sex and The City and went to bed. When I awoke, I had a clear head so I went back to Ferre Sposa and explained exactly what I liked and didn’t like about all the dresses I had tried on. My consultant pulled one dress for me, asked me to put it on and bam. I had it. I cried. I bought it.
I know that had it not of been for the staff at Ferre Sposa I would not have bought a dress in Toronto. They were thoughtful, patient, and kind. And their dresses were pretty savvy given the current going rates of wedding gowns.
If you’re looking for or know anyone looking for a Beach Wedding Dresses I highly recommend Ferre Sposa.
Dresses at Ferra Sposa
Jennifer (owner of Ferre Sposa) me and my consultant


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