'I'll take a teddy for my d...' said Kate. Is that D for daughter, they asked: Duchess nearly slips as she tours Grimsby


She's usually so good at keeping secrets. But the famously discreet Duchess of Cambridge may have dropped her guard a little on a walkabout yesterday.
According to one member of the crowd, Kate, who is five months pregnant, appeared to hint she might be having a baby girl.
Sandra Cook, 67, was among the 2,000 wellwishers who greeted the Duchess on her visit to Grimsby.
Kate was greeted by hundreds of onlookers, some giving her bouquets of flowers and even a teddy bear
Princess presents: One member of the crowd believes she over heard the Duchess say: 'I will take that for my d...' when presented with the teddy bear before she quickly stopped herself
A teddy for Kate: Diana Burton, 41, pictured waiting patiently with the crowd for the arrival of the Duchess
A teddy for Kate: Diana Burton, 41, pictured waiting patiently with the crowd for the arrival of the Duchess
You shouldn't have! Five months pregnant Kate is delighted to accept the adorable gift for her baby
You shouldn't have! Five months pregnant Kate is delighted to accept the adorable gift for her baby
She told the Mail: ‘The lady next to me gave her a teddy bear and I distinctly heard her say “Thank you, I will take that for my d....”.
‘Then she stopped herself. I leant over and said to her: “You were going to say daughter, weren’t you?” She said: “No, we don’t know!” I said: “Oh, I think you do” to which she replied: “We’re not telling!”
‘I have been here since 10am and it was worth every cold minute of the wait to see her. She is just beautiful and so lovely and friendly.’
Diana Burton, 41, who gave Kate the teddy, was too shell-shocked to recall the conversation. But Mrs Cook, who works in a local charity shop and lives in Grimsby, was adamant about what she heard. 
‘I only hope that she doesn’t now give birth to a boy or I’m going to look pretty stupid,’ she said.
‘But she definitely said “d------”.’
Oops! The Duchess appeared to hint she may be having a baby girl in July when she took the teddy bear for her 'd...'
Oops! The Duchess appeared to hint she may be having a baby girl in July when she took the teddy bear for her 'd...'
Tight-lipped: The Duchess then said the Royal couple didn't know the sex of their baby - adding: 'We're not telling!'
Tight-lipped: The Duchess then said the Royal couple didn't know the sex of their baby - adding: 'We're not telling!'
Two princesses: Earlier on Kate was given gifts of flowers by children at the Peaks Lane Fire Station
Two princesses: Earlier on Kate was given gifts of flowers by children at the Peaks Lane Fire Station
St James’s Palace did not comment on the matter, although royal sources insisted the couple had not yet found out the sex of the baby, which is due in July.
There was more baby talk and plenty of gifts for Kate as she went on a ten-minute walkabout outside the National Fishing Heritage Centre.
One admirer, Bobbie Brown, 42, asked Kate whether she had felt the baby kicking yet.
Miss Brown recalled: ‘She said: “Yes it is, very much so”.’
Although it is still one of the largest centres for fish processing in Britain, Grimsby has been in decline since the 1950s and youth unemployment is among the highest in the country.
Bouquet: The Duchess of Cambridge was presented with a bunch of flowers during her first engagement to The National Fishing Heritage Centre
Bouquet: The Duchess of Cambridge was presented with a bunch of flowers during her first engagement to The National Fishing Heritage Centre
Unfortunately the Duchess’s arrival was almost 90 minutes late after her helicopter was delayed by thick fog.
She had been due to be collected from Kensington Palace by the Queen’s helicopter, known as the Royal Flight, at 10am in time for a 11.35am start. The flight is paid for by taxpayers and will cost around £3,500.
But dignitaries and flag-waving wellwishers were left shivering in the cold as her pilot waited for a break in the weather.
Many grumbled that the foggy conditions had been known about well in advance and asked why Kate had not simply taken the train, a three-and-a-half hour journey which costs £42.50  each way.
A St James’s Palace spokesman said: ‘A number of factors are taken into consideration when deciding on transport, including cost, practicality and security arrangements and what the member of the Royal Family is doing before and after the engagement.’ 
At a later visit to the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Kate was shown the fleet of fire engines.
She was shown a fire pole inside the station and said: 'That reminds me of the scene in the Bridget Jones film.' 
In the movie, the character Bridget Jones is made to slide down a fire pole as part of her job as a television journalist but makes an ungracious landing on top of the cameraman.
At the end of the visit to the station, Kate was given a bouquet by 11-year-old Evie Oxley, whose fireman father is being treated for cancer and whose mother was recently given the all-clear from breast cancer.
'She said I had been very brave, with my dad being poorly,' said Evie. 'It's tough at times but you have to get over it sometimes and just be brave. If you're not brave then the person that's ill is not going to be brave either.'
Dressed in a Hobbs coat and a Great Plains dress, the Duchess made an unplanned stop to speak to ten adults and children who are patients at the nearby St Andrew's Hospice.
Patient Claire Moss-Smith, 86, told the Duchess: ‘I’m waiting for you to be Queen.’
Kate replied with a smile: ‘You might be waiting for a long time.’
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Patriotic: Schoolchildren held up Union Flags as the Duchess of Cambridge arrived at the Havelock Academy
Patriotic: Schoolchildren held up Union Flags as the Duchess of Cambridge arrived at the Havelock Academy
Jubilant crowd: Kate, whose helicopter from Kensington Palace was severely delayed due to adverse weather, smiled as flag-waving crowds chanted: 'We want Kate'
Jubilant crowd: Kate arrived in Grimsby behind schedule after her helicopter was delayed by fog
The Duchess will learn more about Grimsby's maritime and fishing heritage and have the opportunity to discuss issues around the environmental sustainability of fishing in the North Sea
One of Prince Charles's projects: The Duchess learnt about Grimsby's maritime and fishing heritage and discussed issues around the environmental sustainability of fishing in the North Sea
Kate arriving in Grimsby
Kate arriving in Grimsby
Going solo: Kate carried out all the Royal engagements without Prince William who is concentrating on his ‘day job’ as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot at RAF Valley
Knowledgeable: Kate is given a tour of the fishing museum by former trawlerman John Vincent
Knowledgeable: Kate is given a tour of the fishing museum by former trawlerman John Vincent
Peter Foot, 76, got up from his wheelchair to give the Duchess a bow.
'I stood up so I could bow to her,' he said. 'She said "Sit down." I explained I could not stand very long, that's why I'm in the chair.
'I was always taught to be a gentleman by mother because that's the thing to do.'
Kate - looking tanned from her recent holidays in Mustique and Switzerland - also visited the Peaks Lane Fire Station, where 200 people lined the streets to greet her.
Once inside Peaks Lane Fire Station, the Duchess also chatted to young people enrolled on a scheme run by The Prince's Trust to help unemployed youngsters build up their confidence and develop their job-finding skills.
The Prince’s Trust is now offering 12-week schemes for teenagers to help develop their team-building and CV writing skills.
Kate talks to a young member of the crowd as she arrived in Grimsby as hundreds turned out to see her
Crowd pleaser: Kate talks to a young member of the crowd as she arrived in Grimsby where hundreds of onlookers turned out to see her
A little girl was delighted to meet the Duchess who said she was delighted to be in Grimsby
All smiles: A little girl was elated to meet the Duchess who was delighted to be in Grimsby
Fashionably late: A Palace official said her helicopter
Kate finally arrived in Grimsby looking tanned from her recent holidays in Mustique and Switzerland
Fashionably late: A Palace official said her helicopter, which took off at around 11am, landed at Humberside Airport  later than expected due to fog 
Kate looked radiant in the russet-coloured coat she has worn several times before including on a working trip to Liverpool and for Christmas with the Queen at Sandringham
Holiday glow: Kate looked radiant in the russet-coloured coat she has worn several times before including on a working trip to Liverpool and for Christmas with the Queen at Sandringham 
Martina Milburn, chief executive of the Prince's Trust, said: 'Grimsby has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the UK, so we're working hard here to give young people the skills and confidence to find jobs.' 
Darren Field, 20, who is on the fourth week of the 12-week programme, said: 'Being made redundant not once but twice left me at one of the lowest points in my life and I struggled to pick myself up after that.
'Things like this don't happen every day in Grimsby so it was very exciting and we were all very proud to be representing The Prince's Trust.'
St George: A man rides past crowds on a dragon motorcycle waiting for the arrival of at the fishing museum
St George: A motorcyclist rides past crowds waiting for the arrival of at the fishing museum
Kate is on what the palace call a 'royal away day' in north east Lincolnshire - a chance to cram in as many engagements as possible in a particular area of the country.
Asked why Grimsby, a St James's Palace spokesman said: 'Why not? The town has been keen for the Duchess to come for some time. She is delighted.'
Built in 1991 by the borough council, the National Fishing Heritage Centre museum is an extraordinarily realistic recreation of the time when Grimsby could lay claim to being the largest fishing port in the world.
The centrepiece of the exhibition is Perseverance, one of the town's oldest shrimp boats which has been restored to her original colours.
There are also several life-sized models bringing to life different aspects of the fishing industry including the inside of a trawler and even a local pub called the Freeman's Arms which Kate briefly walked through.
The real Freeman's Arms was a favourite haunt of trawlermen returning to shore but became notorious for brawling and prostitution.
Many of the themed areas have a distinctive smell piped into them - the stench of a working dock and the more mouth-watering scent of freshly-frying fish and chips.
The Duchess was given a guided tour of the exhibitions and sat down at the skipper's table next to a rather eerie life-sized model figure of a 1950's ship's mate to chat to trawlerman John Vincent, a guide at the centre.
Former trawlerman John Vincent, now a guide, showed her around the award-winning museum. 
She also discussed environmental issues, such as the sustainability of North Sea fishing, with local trawler owner Kurt Christensen.
The museum offers visitors the chance to experience the 'sights, sounds and smells' of the fishing industry, perhaps not the most attractive proposition for the Duchess, who suffered from acute sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy
Wide smile: Kate waved to the crowds after her long-awaited arrival. Her helicopter was delayed by fog
Kate arrives in Grimsby
Kate arrives in Grimsby
Warm welcome: It is the first time that the Duchess has visited one of The Prince's Trust programmes but it is understood that she has discussed the charity's work with Prince Charles, who set up the organisation
Kate (pictured talking to another young fan) got a tour of the National Fishing Heritage Centre, which depicts the 1950s heyday of Grimsby which was once the largest fishing port in the world
Crowd charmer: Kate, clutching a bunch of flowers, makes time for a young member of the crowd 
Kate arriving in Grimsby
Kate arriving in Grimsby
Flower girl: Kate receives a colourful bouquet from patient members of the crowd after her 90 minute delay  
After her tour of the National Fishing Heritage Centre Kate was on to Humberside Fire and Rescue Service where, she was meeting the on-duty firemen and women
Leaving: After her tour of the National Fishing Heritage Centre, Kate moved on to Humberside Fire and Rescue Service where she was due to meet firemen and women
Mr Vincent said: 'It's been fantastic, a great honour. She's a great lady.
'She was very knowledgeable and asked some very good questions. We had a bit of a laugh going round too.
'I wished her all the best with her pregnancy and asked her to give my regards to William and Harry and bring them down here.'
On leaving the museum, the Duchess made a beeline for the excited crowds, who shook her hand and presented her with flowers.
Six-year-old Zara Williams had been waiting with her family since 9.30am to meet the royal visitor.
Zara, from nearby Goxhill, presented Kate with a bunch of pink roses and said: 'She was really pretty. She was really nice to me and I liked her clothes.'
Described as one of the toughest jobs in the world, the museum offers visitors the chance to experience the 'sights, sounds and smells' of the fishing industry, perhaps not the most attractive proposition for the Duchess, who suffered from acute sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy.
Kate in Grimsby
Kate in Grimsby
Supporting charity work: Kate spoke to people taking part in personal development courses run by Prince Charles's charity in Grimsby - which has one of the highest levels of youth unemployment in the country
Exciting: Kate posed with members of the Prince's Trust. Darren Field said they were 'all very proud' to be representing the charity
Exciting: Kate posed with members of the Prince's Trust. Darren Field said they were 'all very proud' to be representing the charity
Big meet and greet: Kate poses with members of the Prince's Trust and Humberside Fire Service
Big meet and greet: Kate poses with members of the Prince's Trust and Humberside Fire Service
Joan Riley, 82, said meeting the Duchess was worth the hour's wait in the cold.
'I said it's a wonderful thing to be able to tell our grandchildren, that we met the future queen,' she said.
Her final engagement of the day was to officially open Havelock Academy, established in 2007 by The David Ross Foundation, which serves more than 1,000 pupils aged between 11 and 18 in one of the most deprived areas in the country.
She received a tour of the school, met an A-level photography group – something the Duchess takes a keen personal interest in, having studied the subject herself – as well as view the sports facilities and an expressive arts display.
Kate will carry out all engagements without her husband, Prince William, who is putting off royal duties for the time being in order to concentrate on his ‘day job’ as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot at RAF Valley, North Wales.
Asked why the Duchess of Cambridge was visiting Grimsby, a St James's Palace spokesman said: 'Why not? The town has been keen for the Duchess to come for some time. She is delighted'
Star treatment: Asked why the Duchess of Cambridge was visiting Grimsby, a St James's Palace spokesman said: 'Why not? The town has been keen for the Duchess to come for some time. She is delighted'
Pleased to meet you: The Duchess of Cambridge met firemen at Peaks Lane Fire Station in Grimsby
Pleased to meet you: The Duchess of Cambridge met firemen at Peaks Lane Fire Station in Grimsby
Hundreds of cheering pupils lined the approach to the Havelock Academy and waved flags as the Duchess of Cambridge entered the building.
She was shown around the school, which opened in 2011, by principal Nigel Whittle and met students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award - a programme that encourages self-development in young people through activities.
She accepted a crown-shaped biscuit with 'Kate' written in icing from 12-year-old George Shingleton and remarked on the 'delicious' cooking aromas in the classroom.
'She talked about cupcakes,' said food technician Sharon Swales. 'She said 'I bet you are lucky enough to cook cupcakes'. She said 'delicious' about 10 times. 
'She obviously loves cupcakes if she is talking about them. If we had known, then we would have cooked them.'
Sharing a joke: The Duchess of Cambridge speaks to the line of firefighters at Peaks Lane Fire Station
Sharing a joke: The Duchess of Cambridge speaks to the line of firefighters at Peaks Lane Fire Station
Kate was given a tour of the £22 million academy before watching students perform three songs from the Queen musical We Will Rock You and unveiling a plaque to mark the building's official opening.
As she left, she told principal Nigel Whittle - who, at 30 is the youngest headteacher in the country - that touring the 'brilliant' school brought back happy memories of her own school days.
After signing her name in the visitors book, she said: 'Thank you very much. It's great to see everyone and so many different activities. You have lots of happy students. 
'It's been an absolutely fantastic time. It reminds me of being back at school. I loved my schooldays.'
David Ross, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse, whose charitable foundation was responsible for the new school, said: 'This has been an absolutely fantastic day in the life of Havelock Academy.'
He said he had previously donated money to William and Kate's charities but refused to elaborate on his links to the royal couple or how he convinced Kate to travel to Grimsby.
He said students had said 18 months ago when the building opened that they would most like Kate to perform the ceremonial opening, and it had been his task to secure her appearance.
'I guess that we took the time to explain why Grimsby wanted her to come here,' he said. 
Headteacher Mr Whittle was joined by his eight-months-pregnant partner Anna and their one-year-old twin daughters Georgie and Elsie at the opening. 
Kate spoke to Anna, whose baby bump was prominently on display in a line up of VIPs. 'We just talked about the weather really,' Anna said. 'She said she has not been able to see a lot because of the fog.'
Personal interest: The Duchess met members of the Prince's Trust Team programme during her second engagement
Personal interest: The Duchess met members of the Prince's Trust Team programme during her second engagement
One for the album! A little boy touches his nose as Kate kneels down to talk to him at the fire station
One for the album! A little boy touches his nose as Kate kneels down to talk to him at the fire station
Mr Whittle said Kate was a 'role model' for his pupils. The school is located in the second most deprived ward in the country.
He said: 'This will be such an inspirational day for all the children here. She is such an impressive role model. They can relate to her very well.'
All 1,000 pupils gave Kate a rapturous welcome as she arrived, and she stopped to talk to several as she walked from her car.
Tage Lawn, 13, said: 'I said 'Hello, your majesty'. She said 'Are you alright?' She was pretty. You think of royals speaking really posh but she spoke a bit normal.'
Yasmin Noble, 17, said: 'She was really good and down to earth.'
Kate was shown photography coursework and saw students on rowing machines and playing table tennis and hockey, but did not take part in any sports activities. 
The musical performance involved a chorus of students, led by Alfie Eke, 15, and Hattie Cattell, 15. They sang We Will Rock You, We Are The Champions and Bohemian Rhapsody, watched by Kate from the front row. 
'We were nervous,' said Hattie. 'You could see her in the darkness. You could see her face.'
Before she left Kate was presented with a framed photograph of Grimsby Dock Tower.
The baby destined to rule


The Duchess of Cambridge talks to former trawlerman John Vincent during her tour of the National Fishing Heritage Centre
The Duchess of Cambridge talks to former trawlerman John Vincent during her tour of the National Fishing Heritage Centre
Grimsby's National Fishing Heritage Centre depicts the 1950s heyday of the distant waters fishing fleet. 
Opened in 1991 by North East Lincolnshire County Council, the centre gives an insight into the dangers of life as a trawlerman and protects the fishing heritage of the town. 
Visitors can experience sea sickness on a moving deck and displays also replicate the temperatures of the ice room and the boiler room. 
The museum also has a recreated Grimsby street with traditional stores including a pub and a fish and chip shop. 
Tours are also offered around the fishing trawler Ross Tiger, which is moored next to the museum and was once a member of the largest fishing fleet in the world.  
The fish industry in the town peaked in the 1950s and Grimsby claimed to be 'the largest fishing port in the world'. 
However, the fishing industry declined sharply following the Cod Wars in the 1950s and 1970s between the UK and Iceland. 
It led to an end to the fishing traditions of the town and now only a few vessels operate out of Grimsby's docks.

From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2288439/Kate-Middleton-pregnant-Ill-teddy-d--said-Kate-Is-D-daughter-asked-Duchess-nearly-slips-tours-Grimsby.html


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