10 Hottest Nerd Costumes For Girls (That Aren't Slave Leia)

Last September, I wrote my very first Topless Robot Daily List, a piece entitled The
10 Hottest Nerd Costumes For Girls (That Aren't Slave Leia). It was a great experience, and a lot of fun... but I've come to understand that it was far from comprehensive. I focused so much on choosing costumes that would be recognizable to the general public that I ignored many of the community's favorites. So nine months later I've been given the opportunity to revisit my list, and, armed with the suggestions of many a Topless Roboteer, as well as whatever ¾ of a year as a contributor here has been able to teach me, I'm pleased to be able to present 11 more of the loveliest, geekiest fantasy ensembles.

Those who read (and hopefully enjoyed) the first list will notice a few differences: Last time, I focused on distributing the entries among various nerd genres: comics, videogames, sci-fi, cartoons, etc. This time around, I was much more concerned with sticking to outfits that were both sexy and well-known to both nerd-dom and the cosplay scene. Also, there was a concern last time that I was unfairly light on costumes from the Marvel Universe ("light" as in there were none), rest assured that I have corrected this oversight.

11) Misty, Pokémon



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