Forgotten Favorites: John Lennon’s “Nobody Told Me”

John Lennon - "Nobody Told Me" (Polydor, 1984)
John Lennon - "Nobody Told Me" (Polydor, 1984)
 Forgotten Favorites: John Lennons Nobody Told MeJohn Lennon movie coming to America“Most peculiar, mama…”

For whatever reason, the conversation around the dinner table last night brought up the expression: “mama told me there’d be days like this” (though I’m not sure exactly why).
In my music-addled brain, the natural progression was to counter with “nobody told me there’d be days like this.”
Just as my dad would use unfamiliar words at the dinner table — and make us look them up in the dictionary — the kids were required to step up to the iTunes and set John Lennon‘s posthumously released song to rolling…
They prefer that over me singing the song to them, for some reason.
“Strange days, indeed…”


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