Happy Birthday, Large John Saliver…

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everyone knows this guy, even people who perhaps havent heard of the beatles (how impossible that may ever seem) may have heard of john lennon. its his 70th birthday today (or would be, as everyone very well knows as well hes no longer with us), the birthday of a musician, a beatle of course, but also a rebel, a philosopher, artist, avantgardist, revolutionist, demolitionist, political critic, social critic, critic of everything, self-denier, egocentric, poet, writer, sound creator, song inventor, mad-mind and genius… just ask yourself: what can you think of that he wasnt?
he never really was the neat pop crooner that he appeared like when beatlemania began and the hearts of millions of little girls sighed for him. perhaps he never even really was a beatle, when his teenage hunger for rock n roll and freedom of mind, that first had driven him to music, once again pushed him forward to pursue – more. not only self-realization in a different kind than the beatles provided him, but turning his inside longing for peace within his mind to the outside, and together with his soulmate and second half protesting against war – in a non-violent way that perhaps gandhi would have appreaciated. now certainly john wasnt the new gandhi, but he somehow managed to exceed the state of a rich, famous and celebrated pop-star and become a largely remembered figure of the twentieth century, and of course a cult symbol. just think of the many kids wearing john lennon t-shirts just like they wear ones with che guevara (the question if that makes sense is postponed here…).
i am not unblamable in this point, too, as i got me round glasses half a year ago – lennon glasses they were supposed to be – but what do i hear all the time?? “oooh, really nice, that janis joplin wear.”
however, today is a day to celebrate, because even if his philosophy didnt change our lives fundamentally – his music did, and although of course it is by far (sadly) over-commecialised by now (and republican-spoilt by changing one line in it…), who doesnt get goosebumps when listening to “imagine“?
as always, when its someones birthday here, the presents doesnt go to the birthday child, but to you! this time it is the fantastic psychedelic picture of the famous STERN-beatles-series, in high resolution! i took a photo of the original picture and improved it on the pc, i hope you like it.
now another fine special: the following footage of the “royal variety performance“, the beatles did in november 1963 for the queen, contains one of my favourite quotes by john – and imagine that, he said this in front of the QUEEN, in 1963! brave and clever guy:… the people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands. And the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewelry


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