John Lennon and Yoko Ono Lennon Barclay's Bank Signature Reference Card

John Lennon and Yoko Ono Lennon Barclay's Bank Signature Reference Card
This Barclay's Bank of New York signature card for "John Lennon" ("10") and "Yoko Ono Lennon" ("9") was used by the bank to verify their signatures for their checking account. As was standard practice, the authorized signatures of each, as provided by John and Yoko on the form filled out by the Lennons to open their checking account, were cut from the form by the bank, and taped to the signature verification card for future reference. A "Sig Confirmed" ink stamp intentionally marries the signature cuts to the reference card, which is then taped to the card. When checks came to the bank drawn on the Lennons' account, these are the signatures that Barclay's referenced for verification. In addition to being a very unusual John Lennon and Yoko Ono signed item, this is a particularly interesting document as it presents a very rare "Yoko Ono Lennon" signature. It's presumed this signature card dates from the very early 1970s, shortly after John and Yoko were married. On the reverse is the Lennons' business address. This is a very interesting and unique item signed by both John and Yoko Lennon.
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