John Lennon at Tittenhurst Park: Ascot Sound Studios Equipment

Studer B62 Stereo Tape Recorder

John Lennon's Recording Equipment at Ascot Sound Studios - Tittenhurst Park
The following equipment was owned and used by the late John Lennon at his Tittenhurst Park Studios at the time "Imagine" was being recorded. (Produced by Phil Spector)

STUDER B62 stereo tape recorders (2) with 706 varispeed unit, serial numbers 2077, 2078

EMT 140S stereo transistor reverberation plates (2) with internally powered remote control, serial numbers 02802, 02824

GARRARD 401 record transcription deck with pick-up amplifier

MARSHALL 5002 time modulator

NEUMANN condenser microphones U87 (2), serial numbers 8153, 8154

NEUMANN condenser microphones KM84i (3), serial numbers 4104, 4105, 4095

NEUMANN condenser microphones U47fet (2), serial numbers 3222, 3224


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