John Lennon Picture 11

"In the end Jim restricted himself to making them food. He’d had to take up cooking, after a fashion, when his wife died. He found to his delight that although his own two, Paul and Michael, were very choosy about their food and were poor eaters - and when Paul was busy, he wouldn’t eat at all - John and George turned out to be gluttons who would eat anything at any time. ‘I used to work off all the stuff on to them that Paul and Michael had left. In the end, I didn’t have to disguise it but just say there was some leftovers here, would they like it. To this day I always have to make George some custard when he comes. He says my custard’s the best in the world."
—   The Beatles, Hunter Davies 

Scary: Opening a vampire’s coffin…

Scarier: Opening an empty refrigerator…

Scary: Watching a horror movie…

Scarier: The DVD freezes up for a second…

Scary: A witch flies by…

Scarier: A wasp flies by…

Scary: Seeing Bloody Mary in the mirror…

Scarier: Seeing a pimple in the mirror…

Scary: The lights go out…
Scarier: The Internet goes out…


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