John Lennon's cowboy hat and sunglasses set to be auctioned
Photo: PA
A cowboy hat and a pair of sunglasses owned and worn
by John Lennon during his years in The Beatles in the mid-1960s are set to go up for auction next week.The cowboy hat, which was worn by Lennon during The Beatles' 1965 North American tour and black Italian sunglasses, worn by Lennon in 1967, were both owned by his late uncle Charlie and are currently in the possession of Liverpool based American Larry Warren.
Warren said: "I knew Charlie Lennon well and I bought these items from him. He didn't want to take any money for them but I insisted. I have helped conserve other items concerned with The Beatles, including parts of the church hall where Lennon first met Paul McCartney."
He added:
The cowboy hat was something that Lennon had on the US tour in 1965 – I think they all had one. He gave it to his uncle in about 1967 along with a toy six-shooter gun because his uncle loved western films. But the hat was too big for his uncle and that amused Lennon.
The hat is expected to make £8,000, while it’s estimated that the sunglasses could sell for around £4,000, reports The Guardian. The sale will take place August 9 in Berkshire through auctioneers Cameo.
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